Role & Responsibilities of the Executive Committee


The NEGAAS Constitution, Article IV (Committees), states:

There shall be an Executive Committee, composed of the above officers [the Vice President, the President, and the Secretary-Treasurer]; the immediate Past President; six members of the Society, two of the six being elected each year to serve for three years each; a student member who serves for two years; and the Executive Director, who shall serve ex-officio without vote. The Executive Committee has ultimate responsibility and authority for all policy decisions.

The Executive Committee shall nominate the Secretary-Treasurer and the Editor of NEGAAS for election by the membership.

The Executive Committee shall nominate the Executive Director for appointment by the President.

The Executive Committee shall meet before the Annual Meeting of the Society and shall have at least one additional meeting each year. The meetings of the Executive Committee, except for executive session, shall be open for observation, but without the right to speak or vote, to any member of the Society.

The Secretary-Treasurer may ask the Executive Committee to vote upon specific questions by mail, postal or electronic, and shall do so at the request of any other member.

All acts of the Executive Committee must be reported to the Society.

EC 2022-2024

EC 2020-2022

EC 2020-2022


Members of the Executive Committee (EC) serve a term of three years. The Committee meets twice a year: once in May, and once in January immediately prior to the annual NEGAAS meeting. 

Attendance at these meetings is mandatory. 

EC members receive some reimbursement for travel and accommodations. 

The Executive Committee serves as the governing Board of the NEGAAS. As such, it provides oversight and governance for the NEGAAS’s operations as a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization.

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